colaxe con elementos da natureza

Veremos hoxe diferentes artistas que nos seus colaxes incorporan a natureza Claire Celeste Artista que crea instalacións a base de cortar e pegar: I work with thousands of hand-cut images of flora and fauna to create immersive installations that are evocative of our planet’s threatened biodiversity. I am dedicated to raising awareness and action around the ecological and biodiversity crises. I hold a Master’s in Public Policy from UCLA and bring together art and environmental advocacy. My mission is to: •Partner with those committed to a just, regenerative and biodiverse future that is powered by 100% renewable energy. •Create collaborative works that engage audiences of all ages on the importance of biodiversity. •Use art as a form of environmental activism. My work has been featured in the Guardian, Deutsche Welle, Oprah Magazine, This is Colossal, The Jealous Curator, and My Modern Met. I live and work in Berlin with my husband and son. You can find me on Instagram @clar...